Template Repository Builder

Directions   A repository is a collection of 1 or more templates. For each template, fill out the New Template form then add the template to the repository. When done adding templates, click the Download Repository button at the bottom of the page to download a zip file containing the repository. (Documentation and Instructions)

Control Panel  
Templates in this repository:  
(0 or more)  
New Template   Fill in this form and click the Add to Repository button to add it to the repository.
Name of this template:  
(Required. Used as Index.)  
Subtitle of this template  
(Optional 40 chars max):  
Description :  
(Required. HTML ok)  
Tutorial Link:  
(Optional. Added at end of description.)  

Thumbnail (32 × 32)  
(Optional. Will be scaled.)  
Screenshot (250 × 350)  
(Optional. Will be scaled.)  
App Inventor Source Code (.aia)  
(Optional AI2 .aia file)  
